Winfield High School
Class Of 1968
45th Reunion - Saturday pics
Stephan Asper, Janie Ayers Parr, Mike Dobson and Tim Simmons. Mike's the caddie!
Golf at Quail Ridge Saturday morning. Stephan Asper, Janie Ayers Parr, Larry Gann and Tim Simmons.
John Brothers, Jennifer Cadwell Brothers, Connie Conrod Bland, Jonette Sweetland Hunter, and Lynn Emerson Biddle.
Kirk Miles and Stephan Asper.
Dee Sawyer Ledy, Mike Ledy, Larry Gann and Linda May Gann.
Rick and Donna Reynolds.
Vicki Sims Hitchcock and Sarah Keely Setzkorn.
Sally Banks Swanson, Becky Boggs Groene, Linda May Gann and Linda Greenwell Robinson.
David and Margie Ritchie.
Jo Jacks Russell, Pam Hopkins Wartick and Robert Hubbard.
Ken and Bessie Johnson Sterbenz.
Judy Kelly Clower and Jo Jacks Russell.
Tim Simmons and Mike Dobson.
Tim Simmons, Mike Dobson and Mike Hiebert.
Sally Banks Swanson and Robert Hubbard's paintings that were auctioned off. Curt Watts, Tom McElroy, Cathy Holmes McElroy and Suzanne Teel Wright.
Tom McElroy, Cathy Holmes McElroy and Suzanne Teel Wright.
Curt Watts, Tom McElroy and Cathy Holmes McElroy.
Ed and Becky Boggs Groene.
Lynn Emerson Jonette Sweetland Hunter and Janie Ayers Parr.
Linda Greenwell Robinson and Suzanne Teel Wright.
Chip Wheelen and Sally Banks Swanson.
Kirk Miles, Tim Simmons and Craig Duncan.
Mike Dobson and Jonette Sweetland Hunter.
Becky Boggs Groene, Ed Groene, Tom McElroy and Rick Reynolds.
David Ritchie.
Kirk, Janie and Mike!
Judy Kelly Clower, Jo Jacks Russell and Connie Conrod Bland.
Stephan Asper and Linda Greenwell Robinson.
Chip Wheelen and Janie Ayers Parr.
Janie Ayers Parr and Lynn Emerson Biddle.
Tim, Chip, Kirk
Mike, Craig and Mike!
Janie Ayers Parr and Sally Banks Swanson doing the auction!
Kirk Miles and Mike Dobson.
No Pop Quiz
I’m glad I won’t be tested on all the information I soaked up last Friday and Saturday about my ’68 classmates; details about friends, spouses, kids, grandkids (and yes) great-grand kids, parents, jobs, retirement, hobbies and adventures.
The weekend started off delightfully at Becky and Ed Groene’s place with tables in the yard and groups in lawn chairs catching up. Saturday morning we had the option of golf or a coffee at the high school and tour via trolley with a stop at the Cowley County Historical Society Museum (a must see the next time you’re in Winfield) and an energizing hike back to the high school when the trolley broke down. Then we had great BBQ, took a reunion group photo followed by more conversation and reminiscing at Quail Valley Farms with the Chief’s football game (muted) on the big screen.
For anyone who hasn’t attended a reunion in the last 20 years, you’re missing out. These are the people with whom you started kindergarten and grade school. Name badges came complete with senior class photos to help you recognize the person who 45 years ago sat behind you in math or chemistry.
’68 graduates attending received a great looking glass etched with WHS and a Viking (mine is in the freezer awaiting a frosty cold one come happy hour).
We have history together and shared memories. The tunnel vision of youth departed as we adopted bifocals and trifocals. And we are all in approximately the same boat, dealing with parents, kids, grandkids and aching joints. I’m not saying misery loves company exactly but it is nice to know you are not alone and it is true that every load is lighter when shared.
As the festivities came to a close the one phrase repeated over and over again was “let’s keep in better touch”. And if good intentions don’t follow through we have the 50th reunion to look forward to in August of 2018 (HOLY COW) and we can catch up all over again. And I’m sure we’ll all look even better then.
Suzanne (Teel) Wright